The MiniMix Seasons set consists of no less than 100 BroodBriefjes full of sweet notes for all seasons! The notes are organized by winter, spring, summer and fall themes, including holidays and special birthday notes. So whether you're looking for a sweet compliment, a Sinterklaas note or a riddle rabbit: they're all there!
There are 50 different designs and 2 of each design are included in this superset! Do you also give something sweet for lunch at school? Can of course also be placed in the jacket pocket, on the pillow or in the guest bag!
These BroodBriefjes are all included:
10 x Autumn (incl. Sint Maarten, Halloween and Sinterklaas), 10 x Winter (incl. Christmas and Valentine), 10 x Spring (incl. Easter), 10 x Summer, 5 x Birthday Notes, 5 x Riddle Rabbit.